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A/Prof Krisztina Valter

What is your current research interest?

Non/low-invasive therapeutics for slowing the progression of retinal degeneration.


When did you first become interested in vision science?

From when I first started my education


What is your favourite experiment?

Testing therapies to prevent vision loss


What are your favourite hobbies outside of the lab?

Reading, walking, cooking and travel


What is your favourite cuisine?

I like trying new flavours


I received my medical degree (MD) in 1986 in Budapest, Hungary and became a Fellow of the Association of Hungarian Ophthalmologists in 1990. I completed my PhD at The University of Sydney in 2000 on the role of the environment in the initiation or progression of retinal degenerations. Thereafter, I took on a postdoctoral research position in the Department of Anatomy and Histology at The University of Sydney. During my years at USYD I have participated in and formed many scientific collaborations, including a long-standing collaborative relationship with Prof Silvia Bisti, at the Universitá di L'Aquila, Italy.  In early 2003 I left The University of Sydney and took up a postdoctoral position at the Research School of Biological Sciences at The ANU. I became a chief investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science in 2006. I also received a graduate certificate in teaching in higher education in 2008 (ANU,CEDAM)

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