What is your current research interest?
Using spatial transcriptomics analysis and single-cell analysis to better understand AMD.
When did you first start in the vision lab?
What is your favourite experiment?
Data analysis
What are your favourite hobbies outside of the lab?
Video games
What is your favourite cuisine?
Chinese and mexican
Lixinyu Liu

Hi! This is Ema, a new addition to the Clear Vision Research team in 2021. I graduated from Australian National University with a Bachelor of Medical Science in 2019. In the following year, I completed my Honours degree working on bioinformatic analysis of Alternative Polyadenylation.
My research in the CVR will focus on integrating Single-cell and Spatial transcriptomics to understand the age-related macular degeneration. I am passionate about using and developing computational approaches to explore the functional insight of biological data. Joining the CVR team is an exciting chance to approach my goal. I am honoured to be part of the CVR team.