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Blood Test for AMD

It is predicted that by 2040 ~300 million people globally will be affected by Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Research being conducted at Clear Vision Research, The Australian National University (ANU), is hoping to help reduce these figures through the use of a new early diagnostic screen for AMD. Using inflammatory biomarkers in the blood we have discovered a novel signature of disease which we hope will be used to early detect and therefore provide new avenues for treatment. This work is supported by the ANU Translation Fellowship, ANU College of Health and Medicine, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU Medical School and the Discovery Translation Fund.

Thanks to all the media outlets who shared our story with the community this week, and to all the members of the community who contacted us with their personal stories. We will use these stories as motivation to keep asking the pertinent questions and finding solutions for this devastating and incurable disease. Big thanks to Jan James (Retina Australia, pictured above) for being involved and sharing her own story of living with this disease.

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