The Ultimate 'Complement'

Nilisha Fernando Receives the Dewar Milne Award
The Dewar-Milne Prize in Immunology is awarded annually for the most outstanding PhD thesis in the field of Immunology submitted in The John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University. The purpose of the Dewar Milner Prize is to encourage PhD students in the School to strive for excellence.
Awarded in late 2019, the 2107 Dewar-Milne Prize in immunology was awarded to Dr Nilisha Fernando from Clear Vision Research for her thesis titled ‘Macrophage, cytokines and complete as therapeutic targets in retinal degenerations’.
This award caps of an astonishing number of achievements for Nilisha for 2019 who among other things also was elected as the ISER Young Investigator Representative, CI on a successful NHMRC grant with collaborators from the University of Sydney, produced her first senior authored paper (IL-1 review) and also managed to secure a position at the prestigious National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA.
Congratulations Nilisha for all your achievements in 2019 and thank you for your dedication to the Clear Vision Research over the last 8 years. Your dedication and efforts in helping build our research group has been pivotal to our success and your contributions have been remarkable. We look forward to all our future collaborations while you are in the US and beyond.